NCS - Norwegian Colour Senter AS / / Norwegian Colour Academy

Still bilde NCS INSPIRE
NCS Inspire
Nature bilde NCS INSPIRE
NCS Colourpin II og SE
Samlebilde Designers Saturday
Le Corbusier Fan NCS sircle
Lyshetsverktøy Luminanskontrast bilde
Ncs index 1950
RAL Design D2
Norges Farge Akademi farge kvadrat




Hausmanns gate 16

We are all about colours!

NCS - NATURAL COLOUR SYSTEM®© / Norwegian Colour Academy
NCS -Norwegian Colour Senter is a unique competence center for colours and colour choices and offers a number of practical and innovative products (colour tools) to professional users as; colour fans and samples, colour meters, colour collections of Le Corbusier and more.
We have in-depth knowledge of NCS, RAL, Pantone, PMS, RGB, CMYK, LRV (light reflection), #HEX, Lab and other colour description systems. Our expertise is also the foundation of an extensive course activity for all industries and those who work professionally with colour - Norwegian Colour Academy also trains Certified Colour Consultants.